Month: April 2021

Data Breach Claims: What do I need to know?

Data Breach Claims are there to protect you if you are the victim of having your private information exposed by a third party. Whether this was purely accidental or was done out of malice, the company you were working with has put you at risk both emotionally and financially. If they have shared your data, there is a chance that it could be stolen by criminals. After all, nowadays, data is a valuable commodity. There have been studies shown that it has even surpassed oil in terms of its value. Whether you worked with a public or private company, you deserve to be compensated for any damages that you have suffered. You may feel vulnerable and unsure about where to turn. Well, this is where Gowing Law Solicitors can step in to help you.

Our Data Breach Claims specialists are here to support you through this difficult time. We can offer you free advice and consultations. If you are happy to work with us, call us on 0800 041 8350 or visit our webpage through the link below:

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What are Data Breach Claims?

When you work with a third party company, it’s natural that you are going to share certain types of data with them. This includes financial and personal information. They are required to keep this data safe. However, in some cases, the company you work with may not do this. This is a complete breach of privacy and can expose you both emotionally and financially. Here are some examples of how you could have experienced a data breach:

  • Your identity was stolen for credit card use
  • You unknowingly lose your data
  • A third party obtains your data without you disclosing it to them
  • A third party uses your data without your consent
  • Your data is used for journalistic purposes without your consent

Overall, your data was used without your permission. Whether it was accidental or mal-used, it has exposed your data to the world. Therefore, there is a chance it will have a severe impact on you and your life. That’s why it’s important to make a Data Breach Claim if this has happened to you.

Data Breach Claim Timeline

What damages can a Data Breach cause?

The reason why Data Breach Claims exist in the first place is to protect you if become a victim of a breach. These breaches can cause severe financial distress. Let’s use an example to demonstrate this. Say your bank sent your bank statements to the wrong person. That means someone else has your information about your bank account. Therefore, there is a chance that someone could steal your identity and drain your account. This could cause you severe stress and put you at an inconvenience and you will need to change most of your bank details. If this has happened to you, you could make a claim for the damages that you have experienced.

We understand that this sort of breach can cause severe emotional damages, such as stress, anxiety and paranoia. In some cases, a mental health condition may have actually be disclosed due to your data being made public.

If you have experienced any types of damages related to a Data Breach, Gowing Law’s specialist team of lawyers are here to support you. You can rely on them to help you through this difficult time.

How much compensation will I get from Data Breach Claims?

Data Breach Compensation Chart

As you can see from our helpful chart, the amount of compensation that you can claim from Data Breach Claims depends entirely on the type of claim you are making. The more severe your damages are, the more likely that you are going to receive a higher pay-out. Just keep in mind that if you are claiming for a large pay-out, you will need evidence to back up your claim. This could be medical evidence or communication between you and the other party. If you need help figuring out what sort of evidence could help your claim, make sure to speak to your solicitor. They can guide you and help you figure out what you could be owed. That way you can feel safe and confident that you will get the pay-out that you deserve.

The amount you could receive from your Data Breach Claim

Will it cost me to make any Data Breach Claims?

No! You will not need to pay any hidden fees when it comes to making a claim with Gowing Law Solicitors. Our lawyers are specialists in this area and can give you advice on how to move forward. Data is actually more valuable of a commodity than oil.  That’s why, you will get the justice that you deserve. Your solicitor can work on your behalf with the other party to make sure they know how much of a pay-out you expect. They will handle any tricky paperwork and make sure there are no mistakes that could invalidate your claim. You can sit back, relax and wait to have your claim sorted. That way you can get your cheque from the comfort of your own home.

Gowing Law Solicitors are here to support you with Data Breach Claims

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We understand that Data Breaches can feel extremely traumatic. To get started, our solicitors can offer you free advice and consultations. If you are happy to work with them, they can offer their services on a “no win-no fee” basis. That means you will always come out on top and will never need to pay any hidden fees. Instead you can get an experienced solicitor on your side and ready to handle your claim.

Call us today on 0800 041 8350, email or use our self-assessment form to get started.

Read more about Data Breach Claims

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If you’re ready to learn more about different types of data breach claims, the best place to go is Gowing Law’s blog. We cover information about different legal claims, seasonal events and updates about our law firm. You can also learn more on our social media pages. Furthermore, if you have a suggestion that you would like to see us cover in our blog, feel free to send it in to

We look forward to seeing you in our next blog!

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